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Pony Horseman

Artist Statement


Writing alongside other artists with similar experiences, is a seemingly simple concept, but there is so much more behind it. Attention, authentic attention that helps us grow is a resource that lacks in our lives. For people to just make space for us, for our pain and uncertainty. Art is a ritual for me. In the sharing and listening to our stories, I feel like I am home, that the chaos of the outside world is able to take the backseat for just a moment.




Pony Horseman is an interdisciplinary artist, working through and between sound/vocal performance/experimental composition/performance art/visual art/poetry and creative writing/costume and fashion/modeling and theatre/installation. They Majored in classical voice at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, and have participated in a residencies and mentorships in Adelaide and interstate.

They have exhibited and performed in a variety of settings, including The Art Gallery of NSW as part of Fools Gold, with Outlandish Arts, which brought together poets who had experienced the barriers in the medical model dealing with mental distress. As well as through written and visual mediums, Pony performs their poetry often. Musically, they compose and arrange for audience collaboration, with materials, such as audience whispering words of shame. Intersecting the space with very little physical material, but with community support is part of Pony’s method to gain access to meaningful expression and facilitate meaningful expression. Conceptually their work aims to subvert dominant culture, by simply taking up space. Pony asks how individuals want to be seen as opposed to how they are read in the context of dominant culture.


Four writers from writing me smiling at the camera. Left to right, Pony, Gaele, Alison and Josh.