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Chelle Destefano

A middle aged woman with white-blond hair wearing a white t-shirt holds up an intricately illustrated image on paper. The image shows a surreal carnival taking place in front of a medieval church. In the image the viewer can see a parade of carousel horses descending from the sky, a clown being borne aloft by a bundle of multi-coloured balloons he is carrying, and a girl in a blue dress speaking with a circus ringmaster

About the artist

Emerging Artist. Visual arts.

Chelle Destefano is a Deaf Visual Artist with a quirky and appealing style that has seen her invited to exhibit her ‘Blue Ghosts’ series at last year’s prestigious Venice Biennale in Europe (2015), and solo exhibitions in Paris and London in September/October 2016.

Chelle resides in Adelaide, where she creates her distinguished mixed media style of work with watercolours, inks and washes.  She has a love for illustrative style and enjoys working within and outside traditional artistic bounds. She has had many exhibitions in Adelaide and Melbourne.

She is currently working with an UK representative from the Museum of Cultural Arts, developing a product range based on her artworks. In 2017, Chelle will be travelling to Paris to undertake an illustration collaboration with an artist from Alaska.

Chelle has a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Applied Design from SA Arts School.

Full CV available on request.

Contact Chelle

Contact Chelle via her website or by email.