With a history of experiencing systemic disadvantage, many people with disability haven’t had aspirations beyond the desire to live an ordinary life. With the role out of the NDIS, it is time to start thinking about a new future.
Reasonable and Necessary has been designed a participatory arts project to provide people with disability that are eligible for the NDIS the encouragement they need to confidently undertake NDIS planning Step 1 – ‘Think about your needs and goals.’
By using the arts, we can share powerful stories, think differently, and use our imaginations to see a future that does not yet exist.
Through participating, people with disability can contribute their aspirations of what they consider ‘reasonable and necessary’ in their lives and share the ownership of the project.
You see things; and say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’
– George Bernard Shaw