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The Exquisite Familiar: MOD. Exhibition

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Event details


Venue opening hours

  • Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 10:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday 10:00 - 17:00


$0 - Free

Event description

'The Exquisite Familiar' is an exciting collaborative art project, created by Access2Arts in partnership with the Art Gallery of South Australia and MOD. Museum. Within this interactive, immersive, multi-art form project, a group of eleven disabled artists of varying ages, artistic genres, and skills, are bringing their 'Exquisite Familiar' visions to life while developing their digital capabilities within supported workshops.

The artists utilise Exquisite Corpse-style art to explore and illustrate the barriers associated with disability through the lens of familiars. Familiars can be found throughout history in folklore and are uncanny creatures who help and protect their owners. In 'The Exquisite Familiar' project, these creatures take on the meaningful and communicative role of metaphors for access and inclusion for people living with a disability.

In December of 2022, Access2Arts held a digital exhibition at The Studio at AGSA, which showcased the amazing illustrations created in the first workshop of 'The Exquisite Familiar' project on continually changing screens. Visitors were also able to be inspired by the artists' works and then create their very own 'Exquisite Familiar' creature within the space of The Studio.

In the second half of the project, the artists have participated in two technology-based workshops at MOD., learning new ways to interact with their artworks on digital platforms, and experimenting with creating music through accessible programs. The artists' 'Exquisite' artworks have also been further digitised, allowing them to be combined with accessible gaming technologies that can be enjoyed and interacted with by the public in the final exhibition.

We hope to see you at the interactive exhibition at MOD.! Tell your friends, family, coworkers and neighbours!
