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Call for submissions from Neurodivergent & disabled writers

Presented by

Caboche Press


About the opportunity

Caboche is a small press committed to empowering neurodivergent and disabled writers. We are currently accepting submissions for our next project, focused on the theme of diagnosis. Whether you’ve received a formal diagnosis or have self-diagnosed, your story is valid and it deserves to be heard.

We’re interested in hearing from writers who want to explore what diagnosis means to them — whether it’s shaped your identity or brought more questions; challenged you or provided validation; triggered a grieving process or came as a celebration.

About your submission

Recommended length – 500 to 1000 words
Theme – Diagnosis
Language – English or French
Form – prose or poetry
Include your name or pseudonym and your preferred pronouns
If you’re neurodivergent or disabled and have something to say on this theme, we invite you to submit your work.

Caboche is dedicated to publishing stories that matter, and we’re looking for voices that bring fresh perspectives to the conversation. As such, we encourage women, non-binary, queer, BIPOC and first-time writers to submit.

Submit your work by October 1st to in .docx format, with the subject line Zine – Submission.